Mobile audiometric testing services are opening the way for more inclusive and convenient solutions to hearing loss, reaching those who might otherwise be unable to access care. With World Hearing Day emphasizing the global relevance of ear and hearing health, now is the time to look into how these services overcome barriers. Mobile audiometric testing services are well aligned to …
Recognizing the Signs of Hearing Loss in Others: A Guide to Early Detection and Intervention
Hearing loss is a pervasive issue that affects millions of individuals worldwide, transcending age, gender, and socioeconomic status. The mission of hearing care providers is to empower individuals and healthcare professionals alike with the knowledge and tools to recognize the symptoms of hearing loss in others. In this article, we will explore the latest advancements in hearing loss prevention, diagnosis, …
Do I Have a Hearing Loss?
If you think you might need a hearing test, you probably do… Let’s say you are in a quiet room with just a few people, whether it be a Bible Study group or a small office staff meeting, you find yourself being able to hear and understand just about everything being said in that environment. Later on, you find yourself …
Move beyond words – Discover Next from Unitron
Unitron’s latest hearing aid provides you with incredible sound performance so you can hear the deeper meaning in conversations. Spectacular speech understanding is just the beginning Unitron is known for providing a sound that enables great speech understanding. But conversations are more complex than that. To have truly rich interactions, you need more than sounds and words. We read each …
All about Hearing Aid Help at Home: Tele-Audiology
As we know, Social Distancing is one of the more effective ways to stop the spread of Covid-19. For many Seniors with chronic and other major health issues, the case for Social Distancing is even stronger as it is reducing exposure. Telehealth has therefore been in the news lately as an alternative to face to face interaction, but what is …
Tips and tricks for going to a restaurant with hearing loss
Does it seem that restaurants have been getting louder and louder? According to experts, restaurants deliberately create louder environments as they want to create a “fun” atmosphere or making sure that customers don’t want to linger – thereby increasing table turnover and revenues. So, having conversation in a noisy restaurant can be difficult, even for individuals with normal hearing. The …