- Breaking Barriers to Hearing Health with Mobile Audiometric Testing Services - March 3, 2025
- Why Scheduling a Hearing Test This Valentine’s Makes Perfect Sense - February 7, 2025
- The Convenience of Onsite Hearing Services - January 7, 2025
When our sense of hearing is interrupted, we can easily become isolated. Many of our patients rely on our audiological services and support to remain connected. Sounds Good! is therefore keeping our doors open for patients, but only allowing for one appointment at a time. Maximum distance, cleaning, disinfecting agents, handwashing, gloves, and face masks, when necessary, have become key components of our daily routine to maintain a healthy environment for all. Surely the changes are new to all of us but your hearing takes priority.
Healthcare is a matter of trust and our preference is always to see our patients face to face. However, we have challenged ourselves by experimenting with a new type of hearing consultation. Over the last number of weeks, some of our patients are now being supported by tele-health, where we provide audiological services and support from our consultation rooms to our patients at their home, utilizing special apps and communication technology. Although this new technology is not designed to replace the need for full testing in clinic, it has been a game changer for many of our patients as they feel fully supported, but also safe. It is still early days, but if you would like to know more about tele-audiology, then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Easy steps for keeping your hearing aids topnotch
One way you can ensure your hearing is always at its best is by keeping your hearing aids clean. So here are some ideas from us about things you can do at home:
- Daily hearing aid cleaning is crucial. Wipe your hearing aids with a soft dry cloth every day to remove dirt and oils.
- After you clean with the cloth, gently brush any openings on the hearing aids, including the little holes on the back of the hearing aids. They are microphone screens. Click here for video.
- The domes that go into the ear also need daily cleaning. If ear wax clogs the domes you will not be able to hear. Let the hearing aids sit overnight before cleaning the domes. Before you put them on in the morning, brush them with your little brush. It is easier to brush off wax when it had a chance to dry overnight.
- The domes on the end of the hearing aid should be replaced regularly. If you have difficulty after brushing the dome, it may be time to change to a new dome. Grab the metal end of the receiver and pull off the dome. Then, replace it with a new one. See video. Equally important, when you change the dome, look at the tiny white wax guard at the end of the receiver. If it looks brown, it is time to change We can send you a package of spare earwax guards and new domes. Email or give us a call if you’d like us to send some to you.
Having Fun at Home During Covid-19
While challenges have come about in spending a lot of time inside your home, focusing on fun and enjoyable activities is more important than ever to pass the time and keep our morale high. Here are some ideas from your friends at Sounds Good!:
- We are never too old to learn new hobbies like baking, painting, playing computer games, or woodwork. Amazon is great for finding everything you need and will send it directly to your house. Bread making has become a passion of ours and we can certainly recommend this Dutch oven bread recipe from Tasty. Delicious and lots of fun to make.
- Many of us are spending more time watching our favorite TV shows and working through a list of all old movies we always wanted to see. As we consume more TV than ever, wouldn’t it be great to have your hearing aids work like wireless headphones? Sending stereo sound directly from your TV or computer directly to your hearing aids? Some good news here. All hearing aid manufacturers offer TV streaming devices. The TV streaming devices support most types of digital or analog connections and are compatible with most modern TVs. If you want to see how easy and wonderful a TV streaming device is, click here for Raphael’s latest video. A TV streaming device normally costs $250, but as something new, you can now rent it for $20 a month. If you enjoy the experience, you can buy the device outright, and have the rental fee deducted from the price of the purchase. It’s a great way to “test drive” the device before committing to something you may or may not like. It is important to know that the TV streaming device can only connect to one TV at a time. If you have more than one TV in your home, you will either need to purchase more than one device or disconnect and reconnect it if you want to use it in a different room.
- We don’t want to end up as a couch potato, so don’t forget to exercise. It is ok to go outside for a walk, maybe borrow a neighborhood dog? My dog OJ has been spending more time with friends and neighbors as their companion and they often have 30-60 min walk together. OJ loves it. If you can’t get outside, staying home doesn’t mean no exercise. Maybe you have some old exercise videos or CD’s gathering dust on a shelf? If you don’t, YouTube is also a great place to search for exercise at home videos. Stay fit always makes you feel better.
- Use FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, or any other communication platform to talk to a family member or friend. This is the perfect time to remind yourself that loved ones are never more than a phone call away, reconnect with someone important to you today. Last weekend, some friends of mine had their wedding on Zoom with 150 guests seated at assigned ‘tables’, live music, and a dress code (see this article). It was romantic, fun and a unique experience. However, imagine being stuck at home unable to communicate with Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp with your friends, family, and colleagues? Unable to hear these messages, unable to keep up with the news, unable to stay connected. It doesn’t have to be like this. Most modern hearing aids now have Bluetooth capabilities and can connect with our phone, computer or tablet. At Sounds Good! we let anyone have opportunity to try a pair of hearing aids for free for up to two weeks with no upfront cost or commitment needed, so let us know if we can help you.
Remember, we are all in this together and we are all trying to help each other get through this. You don’t want to isolate yourself, so reach out to others. If a hearing loss is a barrier for you, book a time to speak with Sounds Good! about your hearing health, click here or call us at 952-800-4727.
Your Friends at Sounds Good!
Love Your Hearing!