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Recognizing the Signs: When to Replace Your Hearing Aids

In Hearing Aids, Hearing Technology by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

Hearing aids have come a long way since their inception. Over the years, advancements in technology have transformed these devices from rudimentary amplifiers into sophisticated pieces of wearable technology. Modern hearing aids are smaller, more discreet, and offer superior sound quality compared to their predecessors. One of the most significant advancements is the introduction of digital signal processing. This technology …

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Debunking Common Excuses for Not Buying Hearing Aids

In Hearing Aids, Hearing Technology by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

People are frequently shocked to find out how common hearing loss actually is. It is impossible to get exact numbers for a lot of reasons, some of which this article will make clear, but the best estimates conclude that around 15% of all adults in The United States live with it. This totals upwards toward 48 million Americans. This includes …

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New Study: Hearing Aids Can Reduce Risk of Dementia by Half

In Hearing Aids, Hearing Technology by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

A new study shows that hearing aids can reduce the risk of dementia by 50%.  Dementia includes a range of medical conditions that take a toll on cognitive functions. These conditions are characterized by cognitive decline which reduces capacity to perform cognitive functions that involve memory, learning, communicating, decision making, completing tasks etc. Dementia includes Lewy Body, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and …

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Hearing Loss Among Millennials & Gen Z

In Hearing Loss by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

One of the most common misconceptions about hearing loss is that it only affects older adults. But aging is just one cause of hearing loss which is a medical condition that can be caused by several factors, impacting people across the age spectrum. You may be surprised to learn that 10% of Millennials and 17% of Gen Z already have …

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Hearing Loss is Associated with a 91% Increased Risk for Dementia

In Hearing Loss by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

Did you know that hearing loss can increase the risk of developing dementia by 91%? This finding from the latest research on hearing loss and dementia shows a significant link between the conditions. Fortunately, treating hearing loss not only transforms hearing health but also brain health. Treatment can reduce the risk of experiencing cognitive decline, and associated conditions like dementia.  …

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What is Sensorineural Hearing Loss?

In Hearing Loss by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

Over 48 million people, nearly 1 in 5, live with hearing loss in the U.S. Being the third most common health condition people experienced today, hearing loss is both common and still undertreated. This highlights the importance of learning more about it so that you can prioritize your hearing health adn wellness.  There are three types of hearing loss: sensorineural, …

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Strange Causes of Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

Did you know that hearing loss is the third most common chronic medical condition people live with today? Over 48 million people, nearly 1 in 6, are affected by hearing loss. This condition reduces one’s capacity to hear and process speech as well as sound which has multifaceted effects. Hearing loss strains communication which can take a toll on relationships, …

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Treat Your Hearing Loss to Stay Socially Connected

In Hearing Loops by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

Though the vaccine has been available for a while now and most aspects of life have seemed to return to normal, two years of the global pandemic has taken its toll on many people. Shortly before the pandemic a Pew Research survey found that 10% of all Americans suffered from feelings of loneliness and social isolation. The pandemic obviously exacerbated …

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Hearing Aids Are Found to Improve Depressive Symptoms

In Hearing Aids by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

The Sad Stats  Studies prove that people with hearing loss are almost twice as likely to experience depression. While that is obviously a very large percentage, many of us might be likely to minimize what a significant number of impacted lives this really means. This is because hearing loss is far more common than many people know. Hearing loss is …