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This November, Test Your Hearing in Honor of American Diabetes Month

In Hearing Loss by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

The Effect of Diabetes on Hearing Health  Each year in November The American Diabetes Association celebrates American Diabetes Month to raise awareness about the tens of millions of Americans that suffer from it, the actions they take to manage it and the warning signs that others should look out for. One lesser known fact about diabetes is its connection to …

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Improved Physicality Linked to Hearing Loss Treatment

In Hearing Loss by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

Over 48 million people live with hearing loss. Though it is the third most common medical condition people experience today, it tends to be undertreated. Untreated hearing loss can have significant effects in overall health and wellness in significant ways. Hearing loss not only impacts hearing capacity but also physical health. Recent research shows that untreated hearing loss can take …

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Why You Should Schedule a Hearing Test for World Alzheimer’s Month

In Hearing Aids, Hearing Technology by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

Did you know that September is World Alzheimer’s Month? A great way you can participate is by scheduling an appointment for a hearing test. Protecting your hearing health is an effective way to support your brain health which reduces the risk of cognitive decline. About Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia includes numerous medical conditions that are characterized by cognitive decline. …

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Connecting People | May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!

In Hearing Loss by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

Each May, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) hosts Better Speech and Hearing Month. This year, the theme of Connecting People furthers their overarching goal of connecting folks living with communication disorders, and their friends and families, to the intervention and support resources they need.   How many people live with hearing loss More than 30 million Americans over the age …

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Facts & Fictions about Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

Although strides have been made to normalize acknowledging and treating hearing loss, we still see quite a few outdated mythologies circling the hearing health conversation. From misconceptions about hearing aids to subtle and sometimes undetectable types of hearing loss, the fictions abound.  Fiction: I’ll know if and when I have hearing loss. Fact: Actually, hearing loss is notoriously difficult to …

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Treating Hearing Loss Can Help Reduce the Risk for Dementia

In Hearing Loss by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

A recent scientific study has concluded that hearing loss and dementia may be more closely related than once previously thought. As the prevalence of both dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease and hearing loss increase, so does the amount of research on their connection to one another. What is Dementia? Dementia in and of itself is not a disease. Instead, dementia …

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Why You Should Invest in Your Hearing Health

In Hearing Loss by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

Hearing loss is a condition that impacts millions upon millions of Americans. Not only are people with hearing loss experiencing difficulty communicating, but their friends and families often feel the stress on their relationships, as well.    It’s a condition that disproportionately affects older people, as age continues to be the leading predictor of hearing loss. One in three people …

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Do I Have a Hearing Loss?

In Uncategorized by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

If you think you might need a hearing test, you probably do… Let’s say you are in a quiet room with just a few people, whether it be a Bible Study group or a small office staff meeting, you find yourself being able to hear and understand just about everything being said in that environment.  Later on, you find yourself …

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Move beyond words – Discover Next from Unitron

In Uncategorized by Raphael M. Cheron, MHALeave a Comment

Unitron’s latest hearing aid provides you with incredible sound performance so you can hear the deeper meaning in conversations. Spectacular speech understanding is just the beginning Unitron is known for providing a sound that enables great speech understanding. But conversations are more complex than that. To have truly rich interactions, you need more than sounds and words.  We read each …

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All about Hearing Aid Help at Home: Tele-Audiology

In Uncategorized by Raphael M. Cheron, MHA90 Comments

As we know, Social Distancing is one of the more effective ways to stop the spread of Covid-19. For many Seniors with chronic and other major health issues, the case for Social Distancing is even stronger as it is reducing exposure. Telehealth has therefore been in the news lately as an alternative to face to face interaction, but what is …